To realize a sustainable society and sustainable corporate growth, we have selected priority issues to be addressed from the viewpoint of their importance to our company's management and the company itself and identified materiality (key issues) based on their importance and impact.
Our company will proceed with our activities, including the review of each materiality and the formulation of countermeasures and plans, centered around the Sustainability Committee.
Our Response to Climate Change
Our company recognizes that addressing environmental issues is an essential requirement for our corporate activities in order to achieve a sustainable society (a carbon-neutral society by 2050) and considers responding to climate change to be one of several important management issues.
The Sustainability Committee and its working groups have conducted scenario analyses, including risk severity assessments, to identify and evaluate climate-related risks and opportunities in our company's core business, the High-purity Chemical Business.
We will promote responses based on the TCFD recommendations, strive to provide substantial information disclosures, and work with all stakeholders involved with our company to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through our business.
Our Commitment to SDGs
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the international objectives for the period from 2016 to 2030 established within the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," which was adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015 as a successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) formulated in 2001.
Composed of 17 goals and 169 targets to achieve a sustainable world, the SDGs pledge to leave no one behind on our planet.
Stella Chemifa Corporation endorses the objectives of the SDGs and is implementing initiatives in four areas: "building a trusted company," "the environment," "quality," and "the working environment."
Building a Trusted Company
We strive to build a company that is trusted by its stakeholders not only in terms of the environment and quality but also through various activities and initiatives.
Building Partnerships
Our company conducts joint research with universities on certain products and technologies to leverage our advanced technological capabilities and engage in the development of new products and technologies. We are also working to activate partnerships through actions that include community outreach, cooperation with industry associations, and sharing cutting-edge information.
- Relevant SDGs
- Activities
Action item Main contents Community outreach - Donations to the UNHCR
- Vaccine donations through the Ecocap collection movement
- Donations to the Japanese Red Cross Society in times of disaster
Activation of partnerships - Partnerships with Group companies and suppliers
- Conducting joint research with universities (technologies, new products, etc.)
- Cooperation with various industry groups
Corporate Governance System
To improve the soundness of management and speed up decision-making, which are important issues, we are working to strengthen, improve, and maintain our legally obligatory functions while aiming to enhance our corporate governance.
- Relevant SDGs
- Activities
Action item Main contents Compliance - Holding Compliance Committee meetings
- Internal dissemination and compliance with corporate ethics, our management philosophy, etc./li>
- Compliance education
- Thorough prohibition of bribery in Japan and overseas
Risk management - Holding Risk Management Committee meetings
- Strengthening BCP management (establishing a stable supply system for products and responding to large-scale disasters)
Contributions Within Our Business Activities
Based on our business characteristics, our company identifies issues to be addressed from among the SDGs and develops business activities aimed at solving and practicing these issues. Allow us to introduce some of our business activities related to SDGs.
- Relevant SDGs
- Activities
Main Business Activities (High-purity Chemical Business) - Manufacturing and supplying chemicals for semiconductor manufacturing processes (for all types of electronic devices)
- Manufacturing and developing materials for next-generation energy devices (for tablets, smartphones, and EV batteries)
- Establishing mass-production technology enriched boron (Boron 10) (as raw materials for neutron control and neutron shielding materials)
- Manufacturing and supplying GMP-compliant products (tin fluoride) (as additives for toothpaste)
- Manufacturing reaction catalysts (for chemicals and pharmaceutical intermediates)
Environmental Risk Assessment
Our company provides innovative technologies as well as high-quality products worldwide and conducts business activities with consideration for the protection of the global environment.
- Relevant SDGs
- Activities
Action item Main contents Maintenance and improvement of systems - Ensuring our credibility among stakeholders
Management of emissions - Suppression of greenhouse gas emissions
- Restriction of discharge into the sea and sewers, maintenance of wastewater treatment facilities
- Prevention of contamination based on the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act and the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act
Use of raw materials and natural resources - Efficient use of product raw materials, reagents, and waste liquid treatment agents
Efficient use of energy - Efficient use of electricity and gas
Use and control of discharged energy (heat, radiation, vibration, noise, light) - Effective use of cogeneration
- Reduction of vibration and noise from vibration dryers, etc.
Proper management of waste - Waste management of sludge, organic solvents, waste oil, etc.
Reuse of by-products - Reuse, commercialization, and sale of by-products
- Use of recycling (containers)
Use of space (land and buildings) - Effective use of premises
Compliance obligations - Legal compliance, customer requirements, and stakeholder requirements
Maintenance and improvement of communication - Internal, external (stakeholders), local communities
Quality Risk Assessment
At our company, we refine our quality using the best technology and create products that give our customers peace of mind and satisfaction.
- Relevant SDGs
- Activities
Action item Main contents Maintenance and improvement of systems - Ensuring our credibility among stakeholders
Design and development of facilities, processes, products, and services - Roadmaps for product quality
- Design and development of new products, new facilities, and equipment
Raw material management - Implementation of acceptance inspections
Manufacturing process management - Design and maintenance of manufacturing standards/criteria and warehouse management
Operation and maintenance of facilities, assets, and infrastructure - Efficient use of utilities (electricity, gas, water)
- Maintenance, improvement, and expansion of manufacturing facilities
- Maintenance and management of analytical equipment, improvement of analytical techniques, and introduction of modern equipment
Environmental performance and business practices of external providers - Strengthening of supply chain management
- Green purchasing
- Strengthening of conflict minerals management (raw materials)
Transportation of and provision of services for products, including packaging - Efficiency and safety management of logistics and transportation
Product storage, use, and post-use processing - Maintenance and management of distribution warehouses
Working Environment
Our company prioritizes the health of our employees and utilizes and promotes benefits tailored to their lifestyles.
Additionally, we provide training and many other opportunities for learning to ensure that our diverse pool of talents can thrive, and we believe that actively engaging in human resource strategies contributes to the growth of our organization.
- Relevant SDGs
- Activities
Action item Main contents Utilization and promotion of employee benefits - Flextime system
- Expansion of regular health check-ups
- Childcare and family-care leave system
- Reduced working hours system
- Post-retirement reemployment system
Improvement of employee incentives - Defined contribution pension
- Stock grant system
- Stock option system
- Support system for obtaining qualifications
Establishment of in-house learning opportunities through the enhancement of training - Training for different employee levels
- Language training
- Safety training for handling hazardous materials
Recruitment - Strengthening of employment and support systems for people with disabilities
- Employee referral system
- Internship system